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What problems do most small businesses face

What problems do most small businesses face?

A small business is not really a small one. A small business is a family of people with a shared vision and goal that come together to provide and earn from their skills. Entrepreneurs face enormous challenges when they are about to establish their company; they are faced with even more significant issues after beginning a small business. Right from gathering the capital to investing it correctly, establishing a team of workers, marketing, and delivering the product, a small business is an army with the task of serving the customers. There are many challenges that they have to overcome before the product reaches the customer. Here are some challenges that small businesses must face before delivering to their customers.

1. Lack of capital

Lack of capital

Capital is the amount required to start, grow and fund the expenses of a small business while it expands. The amount differs depending on the type of business and the growth anticipated and experienced by the owner. It comprises the starting amount, funds gained from the clients, and earnings that help the small business move forward. One way to ensure capital is well utilized is to keep a strict record of all the investments and returns. Many small business owners work a job while working on the business to keep a steady cash flow to invest in the company.

2. Limited resources

Limited resources

This is directly related to the capital and funds of the company. Resources are the materials, assets, and stocks that belong to the company and are used by the employees to increase productivity and help work smoothly for the business. More funds will bring in more resources for the employees to work with so they can improve their output on an individual level to help the business progress further. You can either buy the resources necessary for your small business or rent the resources that are important but not often implemented for your product delivery. Either way, you must provide the employees with a pool of resources to allow an optimum product cycle.

3. Time management

Time management

If you are a small business owner, you are also the caretaker, auditor, and manager of your small business. You have to balance and manage all the tasks simultaneously because if you don’t do it, they probably will be stacked in the pending. You have to execute tasks, manage phone calls, file all the documents, keep track of all your employees and helpers, and deal with the customers and the vendors. You are always behind schedule and have even more stuff to do. It is crucial that you manage your time according to the tasks at hand. You must prioritize the work in order of deadline and execute the ones on which the others depend. You must carry forward the tasks undone and work them out in your following to-do list. A to-do list with tasks stacked in order they are supposed to be worked out will work wonders for you to save time and get more work done.

4. Lack of experience/knowledge

Lack of experience/knowledge

The lack of experience, whether the employer or the employees, is bound to make the company face losses if not corrected in time. Experience allows you to tackle the problems you face efficiently and without delay. As an employer, experience gives you insight on matters that may seem critical and allows you to solve them with dexterity. If the employees chosen to perform the task are remotely invested or moved by their work, the inefficiency will be reflected in their work product. As an employee, experience allows you to handle matters at your level without bothering your boss for small things. You gain responsibility that allows you to make decisions at your level, further improving your competence in the matter at hand.

5. Poor marketing

Poor marketing

Marketing can make and break your company. It is essential that you invest your money to market your services/products, so people know your brand and the work you do for your customers. You must decide upon a marketing method, prospect reach, and conversion rate to help the marketing team plan an appropriate approach for getting your product out to the customers. Marketing requires the planning of funds to invest in different methods, social media presence, customer interaction and feedback, and target audience reach. All of these factors influence the conversion rate, according to which the marketing team can tweak and correct the approach.

6. Ineffective management

Ineffective management

Even if the owner of the small business is one with the vision, if he/she lacks management skills, communication skills, proper execution, and passion, they are bound to reflect the same on the team. When you are a small business owner about to recruit a team to perform at his company, make sure you are clear on the work skills and capabilities these candidates are supposed to have, the type of work ethics required, and the goals of the company to be met. Hence, you recruit with the right intention. This ensures that the candidate selected is in congruence with the company and you.

7. Lack of planning/organization

Lack of planning/organization

A clear vision is essential to start a business. However, a clear business plan is important to keep the business growing. Without a plan or motive, your business will surely buckle under the pressure of half-executed projects and mediocre customers, with slow growth for your small business. If you want your small-scale business to reach new heights, it is essential to set goals and follow through to keep propelling forwards. Your business plan must begin with a clear description of opportunities that you are chasing, capital (funds and income) for every department, and your competitors in the field. You must have a mission that leads you on and goals that keep you focused. Plan for a quarter or a year or three, but keep them realistic. Decide on short-term and long-term goals, and keep them flexible, so you have enough space to wiggle in with new objectives and targets.


It is better to know and be prepared for the challenges you know are coming your way. Make sure you think and draw up plans for each of the above obstacles that may or may not cross your path while busy drawing your dreams to reality. But make sure none of it deters you from pursuing your career and passion for your own business.